Degree Quest,® The Future of Degree Planning

Degree Quest® is the most technologically advanced degree planning system ever created, yet it is also the most user-friendly system, designed and refined from the counselor's perspective.
The degree plans created are phenomenal, inspiring students to follow the pathway to completion as they easily understand the steps ahead. Increased retention is a natural result!
Process even the most advanced military member in just minutes. When you stream the credit into degrees, duplicate credit disappears and applicable credit falls into place in the curriculum. It's never been easier!
Degree Quest is not off-the-shelf software. It is a secure, online degree planning system that is synced to subscribing colleges, branches of the military, corporations and government agencies served.
Two Missions - Two Versions of Degree Quest®- Both Are Equally Important

Multi-Institutional Version
For the past couple of decades, we have focused on providing multi-institutional degree exploration support to working adults from numerous major corporations seeking to further their education using their tuition benefits (including banking technology corporations, shipping industry leaders, restaurant chains, airlines, etc.), as well as military and veterans (all 360,000 citizen-soldiers of the National Guard, the USCG & USCG Reserve, and more).
How It Works:
In our multi-institutional version, we have around 500 accredited colleges and universities offering appx. 17,000 degrees that can be completed at a distance. With the power of Degree Quest,® we empower students to explore degrees that align with their previously earned credit and their goals. Our degree planning systems have been used to support more than 190,000 working adults to date. The short video below on this page shows how important our support is to them.

Single-Institutional Version
The same incredible technology that is used in our multi-institutional version is used in the single-insitutional version by participating colleges and universities that desire to use our state-of-the-art technology to serve their entire student bodies. We simply replicate the system with just their degrees remaining for their campuses to benefit. We also replicate SOCRATES® and place it on a server for their students at no additional cost.
How It Works:
Processing even the most complex students can be done quickly and easily with Degree Quest.® Those who desire to change majors are able to explore which would preserve their credit, as shown in the jaw-dropping 2-min. video on our home page. Students love the detailed degree plans it creates. The former Director of the Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VR&E) for IA said he had never seen as great a level of commitment to go all the way to degree completion as he had with students who received Degree Quest® degree plans.
The Data in Degree Quest® is Unparalleled:
We also stream in the hundreds of thousands of past articulations of courses and credit accepted in transfer in the past by our participating colleges and universities to synchronize the system to their institution. This, combined with our patented processes and intelligent algorithms, enables Degree Quest to "think" like the Registrar and Provost of the colleges when merging credit into student records. It is amazing to see. Contact us now and we'll show you! Call 865-686-8347 or 8348 or email